Writing Essays about Love

Love belongs to eternal issues and all writers and philosophers of all epochs were thinking about its secret. So, professors may assign you to write an essay about love. This will train your ability to express your thoughts, your approach and understanding clearly. It is not that easy to write down the emotions into a paper, so here are some helpful hints for you.

Approaches to Love Issue

Although, at the first glance, love seems to be a quite limited topic, it is not. There are so many ways to write about love, so you are welcome to select the aspect, which interests you the most and is suitable for your temperament.

  1. Scientific Approach

    If you are not an extravert and you prefer thinking to feeling, you are welcome to analyze love from the scientific approach. The best way is to review love as a Biological process. If you know something about biochemistry, you may analyze the emission of hormones and how they influence a person`s emotional status.

    It is also a good subject to be reviewed in an essay on Psychology. It is interesting to know that some people consider love to be a psychological illness and they do have good arguments for this based on the symptoms.


  2. Descriptive Approach

    If you are an emotional person, you may try to write what is love to you in a descriptive manner. Include a lot of nice details, like coffee and flowers in the morning, or hugs when you feel sad. Do not be afraid to make the essay personal, with some details, which refer to you only, such as a special song or poem. A small hint: add details, which apply to all the senses: tough, smell, sound, vision, hear. The full set of features will help your reader to create the full picture and look on this issue from your personal point of view.

  3. Narrative Approach

    Love is also a good theme for a story-telling. Our life is full of unusual moments and impressive events and lots of them are somehow connected with love. For example, you can tell a love story of your grandparents, who have been living together for a lot of years and they still care about each other. It will also be nice to read about a couple, who have been together since childhood. It is up to you: to write down a true story, or create a trustworthy one. If you are writing down a story from your imagination, add some real details, to make it true to some extent.

    A Love Story

  4. Argumentative Approach

    Does love exist?

    What is better: to love or to be loved?

    Can love survive in the modern society?

    You may pick one of the questions and go ahead. However, remember to structure your text well and provide good arguments on your point, which should be supported by pictures, facts, links to reliable sources etc. Also, besides proving your point, remember about disproving the opposite opinion showing its weak sides.

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