Writing an Essay About Downshifting

Big City and Countryside

Having a task to write on downshifting as the probable way out from the routine work and stress for some coworkers? Then do not hesitate to read about how to compose your first expository essay with the best essay writing service!

Expository Essay Tips

We will teach you how to write an excellent paper on such a specific topic and fully explore the theme from all sides. Once you know the structure of your paper which is basically the same and consists of the introduction section, body part and a conclusion we shall proceed with picking up the correct and appropriate content for it.

There are 5 primary types of such writing:

  • Descriptive
  • Process
  • Comparison
  • Cause and Effect
  • Problem and Solution

So, today we are going to pause our attention on a comparison essay from which title you should have already presumed that we will have an object to observe and investigate it form different sides to decide its merits and flaws.

In this essay, we are to compare the life in urban environment to life close to the nature and we can do it with two options. The first one is to do it separately, having on the observation stage one and then another life style. Another option is to observe downshifting with its pro and contra features. But first of all, we need to define this term to make it fully comprehensive for the readers.

The Definition

What is downshifting? The word got its definition from the auto mechanics which means shift reducing to the lower gear.

The majority of downshifters which means people who have refused living in the rat race decided to do nothing in order to earn money and support society live in the UK, Australia, the United States. As we see, this way of living is not that popular in less developed countries but more among the countries that experience a hectic life style as well as contaminated and overpopulated life in megalopolises.

Perk and Flaws of Downshifting

When writing a paper where you have to compare the good and bad sides of one object (in our case it will be a style of life), please do bear in mind these tips:

  • Outer feature.

    Downshifters who only recently refused living their typical urban life and moved to a rural surrounding, experience better figure shape, consume organic food and have a better health condition in general.

    Urban citizens often do not have this possibility to enjoy fresh air and ecological surroundings;

  • Financial issue. An eternal money race can be very exhausting, that is why downshifters tend to live without it having only minimum of needs, which strongly depends on the personality and their desires;
  • Future potential. Simple living versus complex society life. Both expressions have neutral connotations and can be equally perceived and treated according to the personal wishes. But with the development of urban cities someone has to sustain agriculture (if they decide to do it).

Final Thoughts

Person Musing

In this concluding part, you are to take some standpoint and decide on the final ideas whether this kind of life is good or bad for an individual and the society as a whole. You do not have to be strictly confident and irreversible in your point of view but try to tend to some position is preferable.

To sum up I want to state that downshifting has a precise goal which is to improve the quality of their life. It is up to you how you want to do it: every person has to decide where to live and how to live. For some people calm and mere life is enough to be happy, for others pursing their dream to reach zenith of their career will be a great chance to be satisfied with their life, but we all different and having a different lifestyle is a great way to reach harmony in the world.

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