Carefree Life or Pink-Colored Glasses?

Through Rose Glasses

Student's years are considered to be the happiest and carefree, because at that time young people's aspirations are directed not only to self-development, study and search of oneself, but also to search for new emotions and impressions. At the same time, some of us consider students to be practically idlers, the other of us consider them very responsible and busy people. Let us see what position is right, and is student’s life really carefree?

Lifting Your Mood: Ways and Strategies


Even the most inveterate optimist may have bouts of bad mood. This is happening especially in fall and winter: daylight hours become much shorter than in summer. Lack of sunlight and warmth, insufficient amount of vitamins: all these things affect the mood. Actually, all the year round there are enough reasons for having the blues. If you know how to fight your blues, then all year round, you will have powerful emotional states.

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